Going to look at all the episodic weapons in this post and what might be some good rolls to craft.
Origin Trait: Radiolaria Transposer - Rapid final blows cause combatants to explode into a pool of radiolaria.
Veiled Threat - Stasis Rapid Fire Auto Rifle:
- First Column:
- Threat Detector
- To The Pain
- Strategist
- Second Column:
- Desperate Measures
- Encore
- Moving Target
- Combos:
- Take your pick of the 6 above perks. They'll all work okay together in PVP
- Thoughts:
- Based on the available perks this looks like it's set up to be a PVP weapon. Nothing really jumps out at me for PVE and if I'm bringing a Stasis AR into PVE it's going to be Krait.
Lost Signal - Stasis Area Denial Special Grenade Launcher:
- First Column:
- Auto Loading Holster
- Second Column:
- Demolitionist
- Reverberation: Final blows increase the size of detonations
- Vorpal
- One for All
- Wellspring
- Combos:
- ALH + Whatever you want.
- Thoughts:
- This is probably one of the wildest guns we've gotten behind the new exotic sword.
- For PVE Auto Loading Holster is hands down the perk to have in column one. There's others that are decent but I think having a GL loaded basically on demand beats them all.
- In the second column you've got a ton of perks to choose from. I think Demolitionist still is viable with ALH for the grenade energy and tossing out two shots pretty rapidly.
Sightline Survey - Arc 180 rpm Hand Cannon:
- First Column:
- Keep Away
- Enlightened Action
- To The Pain
- Strategist
- Second Column:
- Voltshot
- Kill Clip
- Opening Shot
- Precision Instrument
- Encore
- Desperate Measures
- Eye of the Storm
- Combos:
- Keep Away/To The Pain/Enlightened Action + Voltshot/KillClip/Encore/EOTS
- Thoughts:
- 180 HCs just never feel good enough to use for me anywhere in this game. Their damage in PVE is just not good and they're outclassed in PVP.
- I guess get this if you don't have a Posterity from Deep Stone Crypt and really want an Arc 180.
Corrasion - Arc Heavy Burst Pulse Rifle:
- First Column:
- Perpetual Motion
- Enlightened Action
- Second Column:
- Voltshot
- Eye of the Storm
- Combos:
- For PVE you want Voltshot in the second. For PVP you want EOTS in the second.
- Thoughts:
- Take your pick of the two perks I listed in the first column for either PVE or PVP. I think either of them work in both modes.
- Look, if Voltshot is available it's the only perk I'm taking for PVE. It's just too good at add clear and stunning champs.
- In PVP I think EOTS is the only real contender.
Timeworn Wayfarer - Solar Aggressive Frame Scout (lever action):
- First Column:
- Heal Clip
- Fourth Time's the Charm
- Keep Away
- To The Pain
- Second Column:
- Desperate Measures
- Incandescent
- Precision Instrument
- Opening Shot
- Eye of the Storm
- Combos:
- PVE: Heal Clip + Incandescent or FTTC + Precision Instrument
- PVP: Keep Away/To The Pain + Opening Shot/EOTS
- Thoughts:
- Heal Clip Incandescent is such a good combo and if a gun has it I'm going to take it.
- I think scouts are in an iffy place across the whole game but this gun has good rolls that I think you can make work. I think on some of the slightly bigger maps it could shine in PVP.
Aberrant Action - Solar Rocket Sidearm:
- First Column:
- Heal Clip
- Ambitious Assassin
- Threat Detector
- Beacon Rounds
- Field Prep
- Strategist
- Second Column:
- Incandescent
- Reverberation
- Swashbuckler
- Demolitionist
- Golden Tricorn
- Harmony
- Combos:
- Heal Clip + Incandescent
- Beacon Rounds + Reverberation
- Ambitious Assassin + Anything
- Thoughts:
- I had not looked at this thing till I wrote this and holy shit is it stacked. Many many options to choose from here.
Chronophage - Void Trace Rifle:
- First Column:
- Repulsor Brace
- Feeding Frenzy
- Auto Loading Holster
- Second Column:
- Destabilizing Rounds
- Desperate Measures
- Demolitionist
- Combos:
- Repulsor Brace + Destabilizing
- Feeding Frenzy/ALH + Desperate Measures/Demolitionist
- Thoughts:
- Limited but useful combos on this one I think. I haven't messed around with Traces enough on Prismatic to see if they compliment the subclass well. I'm sure the void combo will work well regardless.
Speleologist - Solar Rapid Fire Machine Gun:
- First Column:
- Envious Assassin
- Second Column:
- Killing Tally
- Incandescent
- Adagio
- Combos:
- Envious Assassin + Killing Tally/Adagio/Incandescent
- Thoughts:
- Rapid Fire Machine Guns kind of suck across all game modes right now IMO. I'm going to use this for add clear if at all so I think Envious Assassin is the obvious choice to keep this thing from having to reload after firing it for 4 seconds.
- Killing Tally is probably a good move here but Adiagio might actually make this thing really good if it pumps up the damage and makes it function closer to an adaptive frame.
- While this has Heal Clip in the first column, that requires you to reload the gun after a kill and you never want to be reloading a machine gun.
Faith Keeper - Void Precision Rocket Launcher (tracking):
- First Column:
- Auto Loading Holster
- Clown Cartridge
- Field Prep
- Second Column:
- Bipod
- Explosive Light
- Lasting Impression
- Demolitionist
- Combos:
- Take your pick of the above but I think ALH wins the first column.
- Thoughts:
- Having Demolitionist in the second column with ALH in the first might be interesting. I'd be curious how many rockets you can get off with an exotic that gives you extra grenade charges like Starfire.
- Alternatively, having ALH with Bipod might offset the drawbacks of having Bipod.
Ill Omen - Stasis Caster Frame Sword:
- First Column:
- Relentless Strikes
- Tireless Blade
- Unrelenting
- Attrition Orbs
- Second Column:
- Cold Steel
- Whirlwind Blade
- Surrounded
- Vorpal
- One For All
- Assassin's Blade
- Combos:
- Another weapon with a lot of good combos. I'm interested in Tireless Blade + Cold Steel
- Thoughts:
- I think this is a first of it's kind weapon with the stasis caster frame. Lots of interesting combos and I think with the projectile attack you want to use this more like a gun than a sword?