Feel slightly bad for the SGP, but they aren't putting many candidates forward, Patrick has been MIA since the incident, and not putting Lorna up is a saving grace. But seeing ACH, who recently attended online hate speech training, and Anas, I don't pay the living wage to my staff but do lie about it, against Swinney is going to be funny. Personally I think Flynn should have been there - it is a General Election, not Holyrood. And that would have thrown the other 3 leaders, only Dross being in WM and barely there at that. Also highlights why a female leader is important in 2024 - you are literally different to the other middle aged males.
Anyway, 90 minutes of unionists banging on about independence, failing to understand devolution, and interruptions. This one may well be a turn off for all voters! Cannot see many watching, the soundbites after will be more important.