Imagine the smell. IMAGINE.THE.SMELL
AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
Please include the name of the AI or tool used to generate your image at beginning of your post to promote searchability. Example: "[Midjourney] Picture of a lake."
It's not required, but we encourage you to include the prompt used to generate the image in the description of your post.
To avoid spam, please try to limit yourself to five posts a day. Feel free to add as many images to your posts as you'd like.
Please keep NSFW content to a minimum. Risque content is allowed, but pornographic AI art is not. There are plenty of other places to share that. Posts not flagged as NSFW will result in a temporary ban.
Do not self promote your AI tools you created without mod permission. Also any other post about AI tools that seem sketchy will be removed and the user banned at the moderators discretion. Please report a post if you think it should fall in line with breaking this rule.
Please be nice to your fellow users and make sure to follow Lemmy World's rules of conduct:
Recommended Communities:
Check out [email protected] for more AI Images.
Check out [email protected] for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
So much poop throwing
They probably say the same about us, and make fun of our clothes to hide our massive bald spots. 🤔
This guys works with monkeys
Sometimes I think we've designed a society where we've become the monkeys at typewriters.
Code monkeys?
It was the BLURST of times??
You stupid monkey!
That one on the far left just wrote Othello
Good choice. Imo, the best notable quote came from Iago - "He who filches from me my good name robs me not of what enriches him, but makes me poor indeed." Or something like that. Iago was a liar, cheat and wife-coveting cad.
Shows the timeless insight into various human character traits Shakespeare had, positive and negative, both with this quote, and the character chosen to speak it.
That's just beautiful. I love philosophy.
Why thank you! Shakespeare was philosophical imo, and it shows in his works. . It amazes me he got away with his pointed societal criticisms, without being thrown into a dungeon (afawk) or executed! I had to bite my figurative tongue to keep from comparing Iago to a certain well-known public figure, in my nation, but I'm fairly positive many of us can think of a few comparisons.
Thank you again, for the compliment. May you be well, well-read and philosophical! Ashay!
And no spear shacking in sight.