this post was submitted on 21 May 2024
13 points (88.2% liked)

B Movie Bonanza

1777 readers
35 users here now

A place for lovers of B movies to come together and talk about them.


  1. Be most excellent to one another. (Don't be a jerk)
  2. Try not to repost movies that have already been posted. (If it has been over 12 months feel free to repost)
  3. If posting links for people to watch the movies let them be legal ones. (Free is best but not when it's shady, you dig?)
  4. Have fun and enjoy all the awesomeness that B movies can bring you.

founded 1 year ago

A high school coach, whose teenage daughter was murdered, takes matters into his own hands by going after the men who kidnapped his student for their human trafficking operation.

A 'late night' Hulu offering that caught my eye. With the usual 27 different production companies, I was far from optimistic. And yet, what a pleasant surprise! This is a gritty, delightful (though dark) revenge flick, complete with a really weird looking police detective (who winds up killing it!), AND a couple decent plot twists! (I checked the rules and nothing said recent movies are not allowed, and I strongly consider this one to be a B-Movie!)

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