Who is the narrator?
I Made This
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I might be halucinating but it sounds like a new zealander.
Comments are disabled?
I'd skip the text overlays as they "meme-ify" the film. Also, I replaced the audio with REM's Everybody Hurts and it fit the vibe quite nicely.
I don't understand "meme-ify" but ok. I tried listening with that song and damn, you're right, it does!
I mean that the typeface you used is commonly used in memes. It just seems like it would have looked nicer with the title in a single title card screen rather than have pieces of it flashing and jumping around in the first few clips. It seems hyper, erratic, funny (again, in a meme way), and at odds with the vibe of the rest of the film.
Thank you for de feedback!
what the hell is going on with that title
Almost a thesis