Personally, I've been following this game since it was first announced. I'm not a golden ticket holder, but I was one of the first 100,000 to sign up and I still hold a Rear Admiral package in my hangar. I'll get that signed collectors box some day π.
I'm just a huge fan of everything related to space and space ships. The idea of flying out into the unknown on my own is my ultimate dream and this game comes closer than anything to replicating that idea.
I've been through all the stages of grief with this game multiple times and now I'm just a jaded whale. Now I just watch development cycles go by and wait for a day when the game will be more playable. I'm super excited for SQ42 and I have high hopes for it.
I don't play as much as I used too, but I'm slowly adding to my setup as time goes on. I've got a set of Virpil sticks and pedals and I just really enjoy taking my ships out for a spin with them. I hope to see you all out in the 'verse in time!