100% guarantee that's a female cat.
Daily Dose of Cute
Your Daily Dose of Cute Animals!
This subreddit is dedicated to providing you with your daily fix of heartwarming animal content. Here, you'll discover a delightful collection of cute animals engaging in the most endearing activities. Our main objective is to offer you a few minutes of pure joy and a positive boost of dopamine, allowing you to unwind after a challenging and arduous day. We kindly request that you maintain a positive and uplifting atmosphere by refraining from posting anything that may dampen the spirits of others, such as content concerning recently deceased pets, personal insults, or negative news from around the world.
- Submissions that do not showcase an adorable animal (including pictures and videos)
- Posts featuring (human) babies
- Low-quality or irrelevant content (Shitposting)
- Offensive language, insults, or negativity
note: for the time being we will restrict posting to a few users for better moderating. i'm currently completly alone with this project, so moderating will be difficult otherwise. in the future the plan is to open up posting for more / all users.