What's so stupid about this is sick kids do worse at school. Sending your kid to school sick gets other kids sick, which makes them do worse. Then they bring it home, and now parents are under performing at work as well. Keeping your kid home when they are sick objectively improves outcomes for everyone.
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That's not the point.
The (government's) point is that one employee taking a sick day is stealing a day from their employer. Just like public holidays and annual leave. /S
Preventing the spread of sickness by isolating when one is sick (you'd think that we all still remember 2020) reduces the total number of sick days that all employers pay for.
It's basically an anti-employee dog whistle at this point.
Completely agreed.
Just amazing that this had to be said actually. I think Seymour just needs to accept that NZ isn't behind him on this.
Seymour doesn't care what the public thinks or wants. He listens to his donors and the rich and of course American right wing political consultants.
Silly conspiracy theory: Big Pseudoephidrine wants sick kids to go to school to spread the cold virus.
How are you going to solider on with Codral if there's nothing to solider on against
Sick people shouldn't be at school, at work, and should have to be masked when in tight enclosed spaces. I still can't believe the childish BS the antimask/vaxxers are still getting away with, this all should be something we should all be able to understand and agree with.
wow i wonder why so many people are getting sick and chronically ill now and why so many kids are missing so much school. couldn't possibly be the disabling plague that we've collectively decided is no biggie despite all scientific evidence to the contrary