Will be following this with interest. Like the amazing 'The Persistance' on PSVR, I hope the roguelike nature could mean so much replayability.
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Check out Cosmodread if you haven't already! Also a good roguelike.
Got round to trying Cosmodread tonight - had a blast with it! Yes, it's a bit rough round the edges, and I spent most of my time hunting for materials to make crossbow ammo in true survival horror style. It was tough, but made progress and learned more about the game for every time I came a cropper. Thanks for the recommendation!
The initial trailers looked very interesting but the more I get to know about the gameplay the less convinced I am that I'll enjoy it. The way of progressing through kind of small areas and unlocking stuff sounds like it would get boring for me. I'll wait for some more reviews when it's released and will probably end up getting it in a sale.
I'm a big fan of roguelikes, but I agree if there's not a lot of variety it will get tired quick. Are you going to check out Hubris?