Suddenly I'm not so worried about that civil war the right wingers keep threatening us with...
Neat vids from youtube or wherever. Rules later
Don’t be fully comfortable… not a single one of these people who have to have their plastic bats padded even to hit a padded dummy with them, would say boo if the Oathkeepers busted into congress during January 6th 2.0 and started executing progressives.
Don't worry it was just a joke, we know they have way too many guns not to he dangerous.
Smiling through it all.
Honestly it would be a great Biden campaign ad.
Just this video, and then that caption fading in, and then fade out and "Paid for by the blah blah blah" and that's the end.
Remember when Kathy Griffith got destroyed by the right for shit like this.... She never should have apologized it turns out.
That lady in red is built like Gru from Despicable Me.