No, it's Candy
Community dedicated to the best band of all time.
Feel free to post music, discussion, memes, articles and anything else related to Ween or the boys' side projects.
Only a couple quick rules, I think most should be obvious anyway:
Stay on topic - keep posts Ween related
Keep disagreements civil
No racist, sexist, bigoted or violent content
No politics (unless something is directly related to the band or its members) or other deliberately divisive topics Above all else, be kind, ain’t no time to hate
Thanks to themollusk215 for help with the sidebar text.
Other friendly music communities:
i was actually at that show lol yeah brown af
Generally ones that are uninspired eg half of la cucuracha. Or if you could save yourself you’d save us all) is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Ya, well, that's like, just your opinion, man.
Totally. There are plenty who like the album but I it hasn’t grown on me.
Those who like it, like it a lot. Maybe. Or something. But also, If You Could Save Yourself is an awesome tune. So, like, you're also wrong.