Test test. You're testing my love for you.
Check check. Checking to see if you're true
Welcome to TheSimpsons, a community for discussing everything related to America's non-prehistoric cartoon family, The Simpsons!
Right about now, you're probably saying, "Troy, basically every post starts with 'Guess the Episode', is that all this community is?"
To which I say you've got some attitude, mister.
But no, any Simpsons content is allowed in this community, although we do ask that you keep the shitposting over in [email protected].
These "Rules" aren't real, so if you think of something clever, do that instead.
Test test. You're testing my love for you.
Check check. Checking to see if you're true
No candy for Homer this time.
Like this Mr. Kravitz?
Dear god… No!
like https://framed.wtf but for Simpsons xD
Gummi Venus de Milo
That's the idea, but for this episode no candy is involved.