If anyone is still interested in reading this article, it is freely downloadable via Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.ru/10.1080/21598282.2020.1871800
If the above URL no longer works, look for one of Sci-Hub's current official mirrors, access one, then input the article's DOI in the site's search interface. DOI: 10.1080/21598282.2020.1871800
This reddit post lists official mirrors: https://libreddit.tiekoetter.com/r/scihub/comments/jg8ka2/official_scihub_website_directory_scihub_project/ or you can find links on their official social media: https://vk.com/sci_hub.
A comment on sharing files: if you want to share an electronic copy of a book (or article), I'd check if it's available on Library Genesis or Sci-Hub. If it's not on Library Genesis, it'd be good to upload it there and share with others
they offer a guide on how to upload/share too. I don't think Sci-Hub is adding new materials at this time though.