this post was submitted on 08 Jul 2023
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[–] inconceeeivable 2 points 2 years ago

Looks like there’s an event approaching if anyone is interesting in supporting the promotion.

[–] Casey_Masterpiece 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Really cool. I got into wrestling a few years ago when an acquaintance invited me to come to a watch party at a bar. They had a special cider made just for that show, had pretty good door prizes, and a prediction contest where the winner got a replica championship belt until the next pay per view.

That was down in Portland but back in Spokane l went to a WWE house show at the arena. It's like the TV show, but low stakes and usually not canon. It was fun but I was looking for the more intimate experience I had at Defy shows in Portland and Seattle. I happened to see a show at The Pin downtown above chicken n mo. Other than the low ceilings it was awesome, two of the performers did break some drywall that the owner wasn't psyched about. I think Chase James was on the card as part of a tag team, and the hometown hero vibe was obvious.

This was before he started this new promotion, and I'm in Lincoln County so Liberty Lake is a much further drive. But I'm happy that it's happening, cause it's a really fun time, and even more so when it's being put on by people taking it seriously.

[–] inconceeeivable 2 points 2 years ago

I had no idea we had this kind of local community. Definitely gonna have to check this out.