Ahoy! Y'all know any way to play TI digitally? Don't have friends with the game or any willing to put in the time for a game like this these days.
Twilight Imperium
Community on lemmy.world for TI related content.
What is it?
Twilight Imperium is a strategy board game produced by Fantasy Flight Games in the genre of science fiction and space opera. It was designed by Christian T. Petersen and was first released in 1997. The game is in its fourth edition (2017), which has large changes over previous editions. It is known for the length of its gameplay (often greater than six hours), and its in-depth strategy (including military, political, technological and trade).
This is a community dedicated to all things related to Twilight Imperium. There are various different boardgames, novels, an RPG and soon graphic novels too.
There's a couple different ways, there's async play or arranging with a group over discord for TTS.
https://discord.gg/FP73hsM3 - TI Online server for general looking for games
https://discord.gg/UY39GfjK - Async TI for long games over weeks
Also there's https://www.twilightwars.com/ for playing on, I've never actually played TI online though.