Walgreens boss — you’re part of the problem. Stop short staffing your stores, overworking and underpaying your pharmacy staff.
Lemmy.org - Politics
If you were given a billion dollars and told that you could spend it at a rate of $1,000 a day, it would take you about 2,740 years before you ran out of money. That equates to $5,000 a day for more than 500 years or $100,000 every single day for 25 years.
My point is we don’t need billionaires in this world
For the average American, a retirement fund of $1 million is required to sustain such a lifestyle from age 67 (National Retirement Age) to age 77 (National Life Expectancy).
Elon Musk's reported net worth is $180 billion dollars. For purposes of this exercise, let's leave this multi-billionaire 20% of his hoarded wealth, which leaves us with a tidy $144 billion.
This one guy, if given a very conservative wealth tax, could pay for 144,000 people's retirements.
One guy.
Is there any of it really left? It hasn't been that many years ago that a single-income family could easily afford a house, car(s), vacation(s), college for the kids, etc.
Accidental aristocracy? There is nothing accidental about it.