This shit ate my family. May Limbaugh rest in piss.
A community against the rise of nationalist, populist and fascist propaganda, misinformation and messaging in everyday life.
A place to discuss right-leaning conspiracy theories, such as Q-Anon, and their impact upon people and society.
A group where we can discuss strategies for deprogramming our family and friends.
A forum where you can post personal stories, videos or images about the impact of extremism on your life to vent and find support.
Defend democracy through the power of information!
No right-wing propagandizing.
Comment in good faith.
Present information from reputable media sources.
Humor welcome! Satire is an effective way of combating extremism.
No sexism, homophobia, transphobia or racism.
I remember when YouTube was relatively new, there were a lot of fox news videos. But all the videos of fox news or rush Limbaugh was, compilations of how retatded they were. Now some how, they are seen as a real news media. ๐คฎ
The people who liked fox/Limbaugh type of media were rideculed, so they wouldn't come out of the woodwork. Now they're everywhere, they have managed to radicalize the whole world.
I feel like this is exhibit #1 for a lot of people who are interested in this trend. It certainly happened to me with my dad. I am thinking that we can get like a curated list of sources like this if the community gets big enough.
Bookmarked. I've been meaning to watch this, have heard great things about it. Glad you posted it!