- Telegram uses its own mtproto for encryption, including for e2ee, I am not much knowledgeable but if someone can decipher which protocol the e2ee is using they can clearly say its telegram coz no other app use mtproto.
- No
A community about Telegram, the popular messaging app.
- be kind and avoid aggressive or offensive language toward other people
- do not submit links that are aimed at advertising your channels, groups or bots
- English only
- posts coming from other Fediverse platforms via ActivityPub (eg. Mastodon) will be removed if they are poorly described and do not fit the kind of structure one would expect from a news aggregator platform such as Lemmy
- Well, I don't think Alan has the time or inclination, (let alone skill,) to figure that out.)
- Fair.
Well idk if this helps you, but Telegram is an arm of Russian tech billionaires, their server is closed source, and true e2e is only enabled for 1-1 secret chats and 1-1 calls. Telegram is therefore basically just an HTTPS-style encryption for almost all its features and kind of questionable affiliation and security
By comparison, Signal is fully open source including the server, and is all e2e, and can be compiled without Google services. But it's also pretty much fully funded by the US govt, so who knows
But signal only allows one phone and one computer. I need more than that. And for this its also got to be sanitized as its for meat space people who dont know I'm queer af. My Matrix is definitely that way. And Element doesn't really feel up to snuff for the less tech literate that I'm going to try and push it on.
So no, that's not really helpful, but thanks.
It allows more than one computer. Not sure about the phone limit
Its on my phone and tablet, so that much works. I do run the FOSS app FWIW.
FOSS app? Is that something different from the official signal app?
It's on F-Droid. It's maintained by Telegram as far as I know. They removed the proprietary bits and replaced them with FOSS. Downside is it can't create accounts, but that is the extent of if that I've found.
Ah, i think we are talking about different apps. Your talking about the telegram app (which makes sense, given this community), and i was talking about the Signal app.