Have to disagree ... things definitely changed from 2013 onwards!
Not technologically, at least in the mainstream, I agree, but culturally the West has undergone some tremors such that you'd be reasonable for thinking that you can now try to trace how the West collapses at some point in the future (IMO, a loss of a sense of purpose/morality bigger than ourselves unless you're extremist or fanatic, all the way up and down the system).
The alignment between our cultural and economic incentive structures and what actually works or is valuable for many is now very questionable to the point that having little faith in any institution is no longer a "partisan" point of view but arguably an objectively reasonable one.
Generationally, Millennials, the second largest generation after boomers have literally grown up (2013: aged 16-30, 2023: 26-40). That's having kids, settling into careers and getting to the point that they'll soon be in charge of the place. Except Millennials feel that they can't grow up yet because their world is not as forgiving as that of their parents, all to the point that they're not really sure any of this makes sense. "Goblin mode" or whatever you want to call it, there's a deep sense of dissatisfaction that likely goes beyond the ordinary middle-age malaise as there are a few too many structural issues involved. Chiefly, we don't live in a world that plants trees for future generations and Millennials are noticing the lack of shade and wonder whether they're even capable themselves of planting trees for their children. These were not normal/mainstream thoughts 10 years ago.
A major example of the above is climate change. Since 2013 it's transitioned from a "yea, that will such, hopefully we'll fix it before it gets here ... what could I do anyway, maybe it's just hype" to "Oh, shit ... it's here, now ... weren't 'they' supposed to fix it!?". Culturally and psychologically, I think this sort of thing has enormous knock on effects, not least because the giant demonic elephant in the room is that it's a mess caused very much by the very system we're all completely stuck and immersed in.
That's the stuff of natural and very difficult cognitive dissonance. The average person isn't ready to handle that and simply put won't do so healthily. Ultimately, because of this, I think the Millennial generation has already expired and is basically the new silent or lost generation as "survivors" of the breakdown of the post WWII/Boomer and new-internet-mass-media era but without the psychological or moral foundations to make any sense of it and strike any new paths. If true, that literally happened in the past 10 years with the pandemic highlighting it. Millennials have long lifes to live though, and there may be no major wars to reset things as there were with WW1/WW2.