this post was submitted on 27 Dec 2023
33 points (94.6% liked)

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S02E06 - What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World? Dec 27th, 2023 on Disney+




Bryan Andrews


Ryan Little
top 4 comments
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[–] kurotora 8 points 1 year ago

Quite interesting episode. Really liked that original languages are respected. Also, as native Spanish speaker, quite funny to listen the different accents of the conquistadors (the one with Latin accent was a little bit off or weird, considering the period). Now, we understand, at least a tillte bit, the last previous chapter last scene.

[–] jacktherippah 4 points 1 year ago

I liked it. I thought it was very different and fun to watch.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Really liked this one, the idea and story were great and loved that they kept it in the native languages. Would rather they do more like this were it’s a fairly drastic departure from the usual events.

[–] MimicJar -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Conceptually I appreciate the language choices... but I found it distracting. I've never been a fan of subbed content and that's basically what this is.

To me this was a swing and a miss episode. I appreciate the attempt but this just fell flat for me.

Edit: I've learned there is an English version under the "Extras" tab. I'll rewatch later.

Edit 2: Watching the English version was MUCH better. After my first watch it seemed like our new character was being setup as a villain which, while interesting, didn't feel like the intention. Watching again I think she'll still have some learning to do, but not villainous.

The story itself was still pretty generic. Fine as a launching point for a new character, but I expect What If to get extra weird with things, and that was missing here. A sequel to this episode will be much better than this.