Video Game Artwork
Welcome to the Video Game Artwork community!
AI generated art is not allowed.
Fan art must have the creator's name in the title and a source link in the description. If the artist has publicly expressed they do not wish their artwork to be shared by others, please refrain from doing so. If the artist has a Lemmy account, please let them post their own artwork.
Lewd/Suggestive NSFW content is allowed but must be flagged as such. Art depicting genitalia (whether clothed or nude) and bodily fluids are too extreme for this community.
Spoiler images are allowed but must include [Spoilers] and the game's name in the title. Do not describe spoiler content in the title. Please mark images as an NSFW post to censor the image.
Artwork that has already been posted will be removed. If it is unclear if the art has been posted before, post it anyway. Mods will cleanup reposts when found.
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I love this. Inscryption has been on my wishlist for awhile now. Hope to get around to it at some point.
It's definitely worth it; it's a very unique experience that I really wish I could play for the first time again.
I strongly suggest going in as blindly as possible.