this post was submitted on 24 Apr 2024
735 points (97.4% liked)

ADHD Women

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[โ€“] Diplomjodler3 42 points 2 months ago (1 children)

But they had lots of alcoholics. Entirely coincidentally, of course.

[โ€“] UnderpantsWeevil 25 points 2 months ago

Alcoholics, Maniacs, Idiots, Shell Shocked, the Insane...

There was this baseline assumption of normality, and then there was this hyper-dramatized lunatic or raving drunk, and you weren't supposed to really notice anyone in between. The idea of a high performing addict or adaptive neurodivergent was nearly non-existent. Two people with ADHD could be staring sideways at a third in disgust, simply because the third wasn't well-socialized or required some amount of assistance to get around.