this post was submitted on 08 Jul 2023
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It seems like it's too late unless you change the name.
But yes - if you want the focus to be broadly standing against propaganda and providing support and guidance for people trying to get out from under it, then of course it needs to be regardless of the specific alignment of said propaganda.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that partisanship is the foundation upon which the sort of propaganda you appear to be addressing is built. Most of it is explicitly framed as "The evil [other side] lies and says ____, but we're here to tell you the truth." While taking essentially that same approach to combat it might be effective, all you'd really be doing would be replacing their current indoctrination with one you thought aligned better with the truth. I would think that the actual goal should be to break that whole cycle entirely, and to do that, partisanship has to go.