Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Sasuke is my spirit animal
For reals...I never related to Narutos eternal optimism (which I've come to appreciate as an adult) but it was Sasukes loner, beat of his own drum attitude, and constantly changing character that still wins me over.
And although I don't follow Boruto closely, seeing just how awkward he can be as an adult just makes him even more relatable.
As I've matured and begun to appreciate his vision for anarchy, it makes me regret exclusively seeing him as an edgelord while I watched/read the series. Seeing him in Boruto has helped be better appreciate him, even though he's a it of a shell of his former self in it.
If you have time, could you elaborate on your thoughts for his vision for anarchy? I haven't watched in a couple years, and definitely just have young sasuke as am edgelord, would be cool to see another point of view.
I'm going to put this into spoilers for obvious reasons.
Well so, after he learns that Konoha is the reason why his entire family was massacred and that there was no attempt to improve conditions for the Uchiha clan to avoid a coup d'état (if you read the Itachi light novels you learn that Danzo actively sabotages Shisui's attempt to influence Fugaku into stopping the plan for the coup), he forms a band of anarchists based on who he got to meet through his time with Orochimaru and partner with the Akatsuki with plans of overthrowing the leaf village and all the ninja governments since he sees them as responsible for the conditions of ninjas who are oppressed. He holds onto this plan all the way to the end of Shippuden, resulting in the fight between him and Naruto, who wants to maintain the order of the shinobi world and simply reform it from the inside through improvements to leadership. By failing to overpower Naruto he recognizes he does not have enough power to achieve the change he wants to make so he settles to work alongside Naruto and bide his time. In Boruto, I get the impression he cautiously trains Boruto and shows him the values of anarchy to see if perhaps he can convince him as a mentor to pick up steam for a revolution.Very interesting, thanks for that out. I only really remembered big "destroy the leaf village" energy which seemed to me to be a lot of civilian murder, but I definitely paid less attention to sasukes group than the other stuff going on. Gave up on boruto right around sasuke beginning to teach boruto, nice to hear that maybe something will happen there.
Same lol. Moody? Yup. Kinda a little removed? Yup. Into blonde dudes. Yuuuup