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Do people recognize the differences between him stating what happened when rioters were threating his safety of person, and him bragging about shooting someone?
What I always found interesting is he shot three people and at least two were felons. Only at a democrat riot could you get odds like that. The third one was carrying an illegal weapon when he tried to shoot rittenhouse. Rittenhouse is lucky he survived. I don’t think he’s a hero. Just a kid attacked by violent people who he had to defend himself against. Had the police done their job, the riot would have been broken up and most likely nobody would have been shot
I am in full agreement with you, except Idon't believe any weaponis illegal. Only how it is used that can be deemed illegal, but carrying it, no, because it is an inanimate object.
He was a carrying it concealed without a permit. That’s illegal. It’s possible he was a felon as well which makes carrying a weapon illegal.
I'm against permits and asking for permission to have something. No object is illegal, only how it is used. If it is about preventing all homocide, the country must ban citizens having knives, wrenches, hammers, bats, lighters, torches, etc. It's a cultural problem, a moral problem. There is no reason inviduals can't buy a fully automatic, and RPG, or a tank if they haave the money, if someone trained and skilled in proper use in a responsibility. In previous generations, children or minors knew how to handle the family firearms, including cleaning and maintenance. It's a problem of society cultural rot.
You have no issues with Gaige having a firearm even with his criminal past and trying to harm innocent people? I have a huge issue with that.