submitted 2 months ago by RGB3x3 to c/atheism

Saw that on a bumper sticker today. How do people reconcile the idea that God, or Jesus, would support gun ownership and that being awful to people is okay?

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[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Luke 22:36-38

While preparing for his arrest, Jesus tells his disciples to sell their cloaks if they don't have a sword, and go buy a sword. Some view this as Jesus advocating for his followers to be armed, however it is also believed that he just wanted them armed to ensure that he gets arrested, especially when his disciples say that they have 2 swords already, and Jesus replies "That's enough".

Then in John, when the guards show up to arrest Jesus, Peter draws his sword and cuts the ear off of a guard. This pissed off Jesus, and he told Peter to put his sword where it belongs because 'those who live by the sword, die by the sword'. It is obvious that Jesus didn't intend for the weapons to be used. Perhaps he should have known that 'dumbasses who carry weapons, want to use weapons.'

this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2024
54 points (95.0% liked)


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