Analytical Unity
A community dedicated to critical left unity and the synthesis of ideas. Everyone is welcome here, but, please avoid uncritical or unproductive sectarianism.
Rule 1: No unproductive sectarianism.
Sectarianism that is not based in a coherent critique, or which assumes bad faith of another user, is not welcome. This includes insults like “tankie” or “anarkiddie” when by themselves, but also includes any insults or unnecessarily inflammatory behavior, even if the rest of a comment or post is backed up by a solid critique. We are here to discuss, not put down the character of others.
Rule 2: No bigotry of any kind.
This community might be for open and non-sectarian discussion, but anyone who is bigoted or socially reactionary isn’t going to be inclined to actual analysis. That behavior will get you banned.
Rule 3: Do not take arguments outside of the community
If you and another user (or users) disagree on something, even greatly, please do not use this as an excuse to harass or harm them in other communities. If it’s especially bad, and you think the other user is reactionary to the point of needing to be banned or otherwise, please just contact me through the DMs.
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I think regarding privacy it can feel insurmountable and so people give up. At least that's pretty much how I feel. I do a few things but it seems like it takes a lot of time and sometimes money to keep up with it and use the proper applications. And as someone who is not super into tech it is very difficult to filter through the noise and figure out what concrete steps to take.
We need to make a collective approach to privacy, instead of an individualist one. Current attempts at obtaining privacy focus on individual means of separation from exploitative software, but this is doomed to failure. We need to instead focus on organizing to fight these kinds of software and practices directly.