this post was submitted on 05 Jul 2023
187 points (97.9% liked)

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Lemmy World Rules

founded 1 year ago

Personally I kinda liked the first season. It's better if you forget the original Asimov story and just watch it as its own thing because it diverges from it quite a bit.

Season 2 Full Trailer - Youtube

Looking forward to see where they go after that ballsy season 1 ending. Lee Pace will continue to kill it no doubt.

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah. I'm not a fan of this "in name only" practice. And being a fan of the books, and the greater Asimov universe, I did struggle at first.

Once I accepted how completely they were going to abandon the original, I did manage to enjoy what they did produce. It wasn't weaker so much as just a completely different beast.

Going into S2 with this expectation, if the quality is as high as in S1, it should be well worth a watch.

(I can't say the same of Wheel of Time. The TV series is just weaker, it's a mess, a bigger mess than the first book which definitely had its issues. Damn shame, I really was hoping for an attempt to stay closer to the source without Rafe 'updating it' for what he thinks Jordan would have written today)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The worst was the Without Remorse movie. It wasn't bad, bit it had almost nothing to do with the book it was supposedly based on