Perhaps well known, but if you're looking for amazing wall art, the NASA Exoplanet series is fantastic
A community dedicated to sharing high quality images of space and the cosmos
Include some context in the title (such as the name of the astronomical object or location where it was photographed)
Only images, pictures, collages, albums, and gifs are allowed. Please link images from high quality sources (Imgur, NASA, ESA, Flickr, 500px , etc.) Videos, interactive images/websites, memes, and articles are not allowed
Only submit images related to space. This may include pictures of space, artwork of space, photoshopped images of space, simulations, artist's depictions, satellite images of Earth, or other related images
Be civil to one another
Just sitting here realizing .... is the fediverse going to make me smarter?
I've been here a few weeks and instead of watching outrage content that makes me pace around my house, I've been listening to podcasts on morality and rationality and taking sci-fi (emphasis on SCI) space tours made by NASA.
Anyways thanks for posting this. New to me!
I had the same thought. There are no algorithms for engagement, there's minimal political agenda pushing, and nobody is getting monetized for the content they make...
Is this, home? This feels like the old internet again.
Short answer: yes
Longer answer: anything that gets you out of your comfort zone will expand your box of interests. Choose wisely your time.