Please forgive the instance name, i joined to find a place that wouldn't allow "debate me" anti-lgbt comments
Now that is out of the way here is my tl|dr
- Someone posts asking if they should tip
- I explain that if they don't people will treat them badly from a cultural point of view.
- Commenters prove my rudeness claim correct by saying ad hominem to me and name calling me.
- People act like i am the awful capitalist owner class because i gently said not to support bad behavior from other people when i already paid for service and the taxes.
My beliefs:
- in a capitalist society, workers should be paid by the business owner a livable wage.
- I want the elimination of an unequal monetary system that oppresses everybody but the ruling class and want qn egalitarian society.
I repeat my post title.
Thanks for reading. i hope you understand
Yeah. I tip too. Though i feel i'm enabling things not improving. If we all protested and stopped tipping. We could help and encourage workers to demand better pay. Good idea?
You're right that continuing to tip won't change the system. I don't know what the solution is but I feel like it will come out of solidarity with tipped workers rather than withholding the money that they need to survive. Their bosses don't care if they get tips or not. Maybe it will come from the workers organizing a union and make getting rid of tipping one of their demands
Yeah withholding would be bad.