this post was submitted on 14 Dec 2023
273 points (95.0% liked)

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Jimmy I still remember your ultra religious father busting into your room as we listened *to my tape of AC/DC and him yelling at us how "we" don't listen to that kind of music in his house.

I also recall within a year your older sister was knocked up as a teen, and you went to juvenile detention not long after and seemed to never stay out for very long.

I'm sorry for the evil I brought upon your family for playing Highway to Hell for 40 seconds that day...

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[–] shalafi 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

The "French" part was cancelled because France wouldn't let the US use their airspace, made us go around on the way east.

[–] bouh 8 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I doubt that's true. But France didn't go with nato on this invasion.

[–] Vqhm 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

France went to war in Afghanistan but not Iraq.

I served with French troops in Afghanistan amongst other NATO allies, Spanish and Australian.