Nier will continue 'as long as Yoko Taro lives', producer says, but don’t expect an Automata follow-up soon
A community for fans of the Nier and Drakengard series created by Yoko Taro.
My fault, not with yoshi p. Sometimes i get confused by names, but isn't that the ff14/16 director? How does that wirk out with two directors/story writers? I like keiichi okabes music anyways more. But the project i had in my was something yoko taro and nier producer saito working on yoko's project
Haha no worries, I was just about to get really excited! Yes, Yoshi P heads CBU3. It happens often they usually take co- roles or something to that affect. It becomes a shared vision. I like Keiichi Okabe's music as well but if he was able to partner with Bobuo Uematsu for the music that would be legendary