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An open, user owned community for the general discussion of the interpretation of earthly phenomena and scientific findings, which focuses on the existence of the divine. Here you can exchange personal views and meanings around this topic.
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I agree on religion.
But similarly faith or belief, can be founded on baseless speculation or rigorous examination.
I hope you agree, that beliefs based on evidence and logic have higher value than beliefs that have none.
Of course, evidence-based beliefs are always preferable. But that depends on how detailed the foundations of your beliefs are. Religions tend to explain abstract things very simply and in a way that is easy for everyone to understand. They just give a different interpretation of the phenomena surrounding them, as we have done here. It really depends on how much information and how detailed your scientific basis is, because the simpler explanations often deviate greatly from reality.
In conclusion, however, I would say that what is really important is that every faith, be it atheistic, agnostic or theistic, leads to a good life for oneself and one's fellow human beings.