this post was submitted on 26 Nov 2023
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I didn’t realize Deadpool 3 is the only movie next year. Should be sweet!

Also I’m trying new shorthand for “community,” let’s see how it plays out.

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[–] MimicJar 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I expect Deadpool 3 to be bumped back, probably to the fall but I wouldn't be surprised if they kick it to 2025.

People say they have superheroe fatigue so I could see everyone taking the year off.

Marvel only has Echo in January and I expect that to just be "ok" since it's an all at once dump.

DC doesn't have anything next year since Aquaman will wrap up the old DCEU in December. It has some TV shows possibly late in the year, but that's it.

I'm excited for Deadpool 3 but with the writers and actors strikes I'm ok if they delay a bit.

Marvel needs to take a minute anyway to figure out what they're doing. Take the good PR and say "We heard you and we're slowing down"

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah I feel like their huge rush the past couple years was Disney pushing for Disney+ content too hard. I’m hoping they lay off a bit and go with more of a Disney+ is meant to host content approach rather than the content is produced to fill Disney+ thing that they’ve been doing.

This whole time I’ve felt like the multiverse saga happening at the same time they got the X-Men back isn’t a coincidence. I think we’ll get back to focusing on the main timeline once it’s resolved, but they’ll have had the chance to pick and chose which characters will be in that timeline.

I feel like Deadpool 3 is going to advance this idea heavily. If it’s going to be the only 2024 movie they can push Deadpool back to December for all I care as long as it’s awesome. :)

[–] MimicJar 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I just want the Bohner payoff. I was teased an idea on WandaVision, I want the payoff.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Oh yeah that’s right! I’d forgotten all about Ralph Bohner