this post was submitted on 20 Nov 2023
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A forum about Sacramento, for Sacramento.

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I know this is a small community (here on lemmy) but I was wondering what is a good area to live there? We will make about 115k or so and are looking to rent the first year or 2. I have an 8 year old daughter and a wife. We are coming from Tulsa Oklahoma but are very left leaning. We love to hike and spend time outdoors. Def want a nice school for my daughter. Thanks for any advice!

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

I lived in the Auburn/Grass Valley area as a teenager, and am glad I got out when I did. Just a heads up: You mentioned leaning left, so I should warn you that Nevada County is pretty conservative (and vocal about it), and pretty white (and proud of it).