Originally created by u/SixtrapAK1 on r/worldbuilding.
- What has preceded the current state of your world? (Periods of time)
- Any historical events? Any major conflicts? How influential were these events? In what way?
- How is stability and balance of power maintained? Current status?
- How does time work in this world? What does this imply? (Daytime, Years, Months, etc.)
- How does the economic system work? (Currency? Inflation? Banks? Barter System? etc.)
- How does the chain of production work? Who controls it? With what purpose?
- What are the most valuable resources of this world? How are these resources bought and sold? (Regulation? Landowners? etc.)
- How can one society be considered “wealthier” compared to others?
- How does each civilization perceive reality and the beginning of it? How did it actually start?
- Holy entities of those religions? Are actual entities present in the world?
- Main myths, legends, tenets, ideals? How are they documented and affect society?
- How do religions clash? Do they clash?
- What are the limits of your magic? Hard system? Soft system? Forbidden practices?
- What has magical abilities? How can one get access to it? What can be achieved with magic?
- Any new technology? How does it work? Futuristic ways of transport/communication?
- How does magic-tech affect and interact with your society? What pros and cons do they have?
- Systems of government (Tribal, Democratic, Dynasties, Special system, etc.)
- Who has the power? How is it exchanged?
- How are the laws created? How are the new amendments decided?
- Law enforcement systems. (Military? Police? Administration? Penitentiary?)
- How does your world map look? Remarkable landscapes? What natural resources are available?
- How is the weather and climate? How do they change?
- How does the location of society affect its chances of survival/culture?
- How different is the urban world from the rural world?
- How many intelligent species live in the world? How do they interact with each other?
- How do these species live? Do these species have subgroups? Any special traits?
- Any new animals or plants? What interactions do they create?
- What new materials/resources/food does your world have?
- What are the most important features/flaws/differences of your culture? Any new language?
- The main works of art/literature/construction? Their influence?
- What conflicts do your societies have? Big conflicts? Current?
- What does this culture prioritize? What does it try to develop the most?
Social Scale
- Who are the most important people? Who is the least important?
- How do they differ/makes them different? How do these classes coexist?
- Any particular class or a fraction of class with a special status? What’s important about them and what do they do? (Church? Military? Merchants?)
Actually very relevant questions to ask, though I would be interested in discussing the priority you give to those. Some have a severe case of diminishing returns, but are nonetheless crucial to at least determine to some extent...