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It'd be one thing if it were just anti-zionists, (Okay, it's not, committing a second Holocaust is straight up evil, but I know I can't convince internet leftists of anything) but they're attacking Jewish people in general too. Although, there is a trend of anti-zionists being anti-semites.
One of these things is not like the other šµ
I would consider genociding 7 million Jews to be a second holocaust. What would you call it?
Congratulations for completely failing to understand the issue at hand, and completely misrepresenting everything. Good loaded question though.
A state and it's people are two different things. I would have thought conservatives (who are generally anti-government) would have understood as much.
But I guess nuance isn't needed when your primary goal is to make sweeping generalizations.
Do you not know what a genocide is? Do you not understand whats going to happen to the people of Israel?
Man, you are ignorant. You just completely ignored the Hamas charter post, didn't you?
I know quite well. The republican party is gearing up for one against queer folk.
Man you are ignorant, not even attempting to understand any nuance and jumping straight to worst case made up scenario.