this post was submitted on 08 Nov 2023
24 points (87.5% liked)

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founded 2 years ago
Nov 10th, 2023 1hr 45m TBA 59% 51 Mid-Yes/End-Audio Easter Egg


Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau, forcing them to work together to save the universe.


Nia DaCosta


Nia DaCosta, Megan McDonnell, Elissa Karasik
Brie Larson ... Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Teyonah Parris ... Monica Rambeau
Iman Vellani ... Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel
Samuel L. Jackson ... Nick Fury
Zawe Ashton ... Dar-Benn
Gary Lewis ... Emperor Dro'ge
Park Seo-joon ... Prince Yan
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[–] canthidium -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lol, it was worse than both of those for me. They at least had a mostly coherent story. This felt so muddled and all over the place, like AI wrote it. Oh and I forgot to mention the cinematography. The fight scenes looked incredibly choreographed to me. Like I noticed people standing still waiting to get hit and the heroes running to their marks and then taking action. Also why was the camera right in everyone's face during the fights all the time?

I dunno, it just didn't work at all for me. I don't begrudge anyone for liking it, but I felt like I was watching a movie, if that makes sense. Like I wasn't swept in at all. Just reminded I was watching a movie constantly.