this post was submitted on 30 Oct 2023
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[–] dneaves 10 points 1 year ago

I'll be honest, I thought She-Hulk was alright. Was it Marvel's best work? Not really. I think the ending was pretty... Different? Not good? A cop-out? Unsure.

It kinda feels like they just slapped together something for the sake of slapping together something, for money. If it felt like it was a bit more planned out in terms of story line, flow, and if the ending was an actual ending, then I think it'd be better rated.

Of course, the female-lead movies will have the misogynists that tank the ratings, and that's unfortunately unavoidable. But I think some of She-Hulk's ratings was that people were expecting a fully-fleshed-out season like their other streamables, like Daredevil, The Punisher, Wandavision. Those felt like complete, planned stories, even if meant to be supplemental to the movies. This felt different. In fact, most of the recent episodic stories feel different. Because I think they feel episodic: divided up while also trying to be a story.

I'm not sure if the portayal of She-Hulk is true to her comics. I honestly have only read a small handful of comics, so I go into the movies and shows just taking it in as it's shown.

She-Hulk felt like they tried to slap some laughs, fourth-wall-breaking, and a variety of cameos into a sort of "what whacky adventures will Jen the Hulk Lawyer get into today?", followed by a botched ending to wrap it all up.

Now all of that said, I did enjoy it. Except the ending, if I haven't made that clear enough. It was nice pieces of a story. I have nothing against She-Hulk as a character, or any of the female characters. I think its great to bring a wider variety of people (sex/genders, religions, sexual orientations, etc) into the multiverse. I just think this story was not great, and I hope that botching the story and causing bad ratings as a result wasn't an intentional act in order to say "See, people don't want this Marvel hero."