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How do I make my client (Firefox) use it?
I found this but for Windows , I was not able to find it for Linux.
You need to setup the proxy setting in i2p and Firefox. Keep in mind that you can't just browse the web like a normal we browser as you can only visit i2p sites.
In i2p go into settings and allow proxy traffic from lan.
In Firefox go into your proxy settings and point your browser to i2p. I forgot what port but you can look it up online.
Sorry for the vague instructions but I haven't done this in a while.
Semi-true. There is an outproxy available so you can surf the normal Web, if you want. With a manual setup you might have to configure your machine for it though.
Here is a relevant guide:
For the IP address, just put in your container's IP address instead of
What about the Router console? Is this something that's only available with i2p, or does it also exist with i2pd?
That is i2p-java and i2p+ only. i2pd is only the router which is why it is so small and fast.
Okay, so i2pd is the lightweight version and all the configs happens in the config file available.
Is there a way to test that i2pd is actually working?
Step 5 from the guide shows how to test if i2pd is running on your Alpine container. If you are using i2pd on another machine, similar commands will work as well.
For the Alpine Container:
command to see if the i2pd program is runningservice i2pd status
to see that status. Ex.* status: started
ip -4 a
and navigate to the i2pd web console athttp://:7070
Thanks, I've done that and I can access the i2pd webconsole, but it doesn't seem to run correctly. I've had it run for over 20 hours now and it just says Network status: Unknown.
Can your container reach the internet? If you shell into your container can you
anything outside your network?No issues pinging outside my network.