this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2023
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Episode 1 is out. Thought I'd get a discussion thread going. Maybe @Hurts can pin it until next week?

S01E01: Resurrection June 21st, 2023 on Disney+ 55 min None
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[โ€“] BLAMM 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Stories like these are often about protecting the status quo, or at least protecting it from change involving harm and destruction. Refugees generally want to see the status quo changed because things suck for them. The more radical among the refugees will not be above using a bit of harm and destruction to get what they want. The ends justify the means and all that. I find it better to use the term "antagonist". They are people that the protagonists have conflict with, but they aren't necessarily bad people.

[โ€“] scraithe 2 points 2 years ago

I get where you're coming from, and "antagonist" is certainly less loaded than "villain", but at least with the Skrull ....

spoilersetting off a radioactive bomb at a public event is more than just a bit of harm and destruction!

I think I find it interesting that antagonists are often a reflection (consciously or not) of a group fear and what could be a more 'ideological radicalism' antagonist is being quite coded and kinda focused on refugeeism. Maybe just to broaden the grey area and make audiences somewhat sympathize with their ideology? I dunno, there are plenty of groups that want change so I'm spitballing whether this is a bit of a pattern.

Personally, I would have preferred if the first episode really leaned into the spy/espionage/cold war element, like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy-esque, instead of this milquetoast somewhat vaguely political messaging that isn't sure what it's trying to say. But it's just the first episode, maybe I'm completely off base and what they've set up will actually develop into something.