Warlords of Antiquity
Rules and Player sign-up
In this game of conquest set in 272 BCE, players control the decisions of their nation and may engage in diplomacy, warfare, and skullduggery to achieve victory!
VICTORY CONDITION: First player to own 100 regions wins the game.
Starting World Map:
I recommend opening world map image in a new browser tab for clarity. You will also be able to zoom in.
The Regions on this map will be filled with different colors depending on which faction/country owns it.
This is the starting map on Turn 0, where each faction/country owns 1 region to start with.
Map Legend (Factions)
Map Legend (Factions)
These are the available factions you can play as in this game. I've included a zoomed-in image of the factions' starting locations to help you find them on the world map.
- Athens = Light Yellow
- Sparta = Brown
- Pergamon = Hot Pink
- Macedon = Dark Blue
- Getae = Dark Brown
- Scythia = Gold
- Egypt = Light Purple
- Seleucid = Blue-Gray
- Aorsoi = Green
- Parthia = Purple
- Baktria = Sky Blue
- Suebi = Salmon Pink
- Boii = Aqua
- Rome = Red
- Carthage = Gray
- Epirus = Tan
- Gallaeci = Cream
- Arverni = Dark Green
- Pontus = Orange
- Iceni = Blue
This will be a turn based game, where each turn is 24 hours. All players will post their moves once per day, and the GM (me) will post an updated Map every 24 hours with the result of attacks/movements/new territory conquered/etc.
You can win the game by owning 100 regions.
Please note: if a player does not post a move in time (in the 24-hour window) he/she will basically skip that turn.
How to Join, and GM-controlled Factions
How to Join, and GM-controlled Factions
To join the game, you need to choose a faction. Simply comment here with the faction you'd like to play, and I will add you to the game. Scroll up to the "Map Legend (Factions)" section to see the list of factions.
GM-controlled factions
If not all factions are claimed by players when the game starts (sometime next week, perhaps June 28th or 29th), the Game Master (GM - which is me) will control the unclaimed factions to balance the map. New players can still join at any time! When a new player joins the game, they can choose any (one) GM-controlled faction to take, and that faction will be given to that new player.
Factions controlled by the GM:
- Cannot win the game!
- Cannot perform Assassination or Rebellion missions with Secret Agents
- Can engage in diplomacy
- Plays passively (cannot attack a player unless attacked)
- A player can only switch factions if their faction owns less than 5 regions.
- A GM-controlled faction with 75 or more regions cannot be taken over by a player because it is too close to the 100 region victory condition. Again, GM-controlled factions cannot win the game.
Map: some rules
Map: some rules
As mentioned before, this is the starting map. Regions will be colored in as the game progresses depending on which faction owns it:
I recommend opening this map image in a new browser tab for clarity.
The thick black lines are mountain ranges, and are impassable. If you want to attack a region on the other side of the mountain, you will have to go around the mountain. There are 14 sea zones. Sea zones are labeled, and separated by black lines.
A white area of 14 pixels or bigger with black borders around it is considered a region. A white area smaller than 14 pixels is considered part of the nearest region to it.
To attack a region on a map, simply color in that region with your faction's color, and post the map. Alternatively, you can just say something like “Attack the northern regions of my empire”, or “Attack Crete [just an example]” and that is also fine.
Depending on your dice rolls (more on this later) you may or may not be successful in capturing a region. I will post the updated map at the end of each turn.
Your starting region is your capital. You will find out how to build the other structures (cities, fortifications) below.
Your faction's Prestige is a big factor in the game. The more Prestige your faction has, the more Moves you will be able to perform each turn.
1-25 Prestige: 1 move per turn
26-60 Prestige: 2 moves per turn
61-65 Prestige: 3 moves per turn
(65 is the maximum Prestige)
All factions start off with 1 Prestige at the beginning of the game.
Your Prestige can increase (or decrease!) depending on what actions you take in the game.
Throughout the rules you will see specifically how much Prestige you gain or lose by certain these actions.
Moves and Dice Rolls
A player can do a certain amount of Moves per turn. The amount of moves allowed is determined by that player's “Prestige”.
Things that count as "Moves":
- Moving your Capital (New players, meaning players that have played for less than 5 turns, can move their capital for FREE)
- Attacking a Region (by land or sea)
- Attacking a fleet
- Building something (Great City, Fortification, or fleet)
- Repairing a fleet
- Moving a fleet from one sea zone to another
Diplomatic actions (making alliances, declaring war, etc.) are FREE. You do not need to use Movement points on those.
Dice Rolls
For each Move you wish to perform, the GM (me) will roll the dice to see how successful you were.
All dice rolls are public and will be performed using https://rolz.org, so there can be no cheating. I will post the link to the Dice Room with every turn so it is public record. Only some Secret Agent dice rolls will be kept hidden, and even those will be revealed once the game ends.
Now for the fun stuff
Regions and Invasions
Regions and Invasions
Attack by Sea
To attack a coastal region by sea, you first need to have a fleet in that naval zone. Naval zones are labeled, and are divided by black lines on the map (Ex: Eastern Mediterranean, West Mediterranean, Black Sea, etc.).
Attack by Land
You can only attack a region that you are in contact with (meaning, one of your regions is touching the enemy region that you want to attack).
The GM will roll a virtual 6-faced dice (https://rolz.org) to see how successful you were in your attack.
[0] = Crushing Defeat (You are unable to attack this region next turn)(-2 Prestige)
[1] = Clear Defeat (-1 penalty for your next attack on this region. Penalty expires after the next turn.)(-1 Prestige)
[2] = Average Defeat
[3] = Close Defeat (+1 bonus for your next attack on this region. Bonus expires after the next turn.)
[4] = Pyrrhic Victory
[5] = Average Victory (+1 Prestige)
[6] = Clear Victory (+1 Prestige)
[7] = Heroic Victory! (+2 Prestige)
[8] = Legendary Victory! (+3 Prestige)
If your final score is 4, 5, 6, or 7 congratulations! You have taken the region, and depending on what you rolled, maybe you even got a Prestige bonus!
However if you got a 0, 1, 2, or 3, you were not able to take the region, and maybe even got an Prestige penalty.
If you got a 0 or 1, the enemy has a chance to counter-attack! The GM will roll the dice again to see if the counterattack was successful (counterattack has a 50% success rate):
- [1, 2, or 3] = Counterattack fails. You are safe.
- [4, 5, or 6] = Counterattack is successful, and the enemy takes YOUR region that you attacked from. (If you attacked by sea, your fleet is destroyed.)
Importance of Capital region
Normally it takes a Move to change your Capital from one region to another. New players (those who have played less that 5 turns) can change their Capital without using a Move.
If you lose your capital region you will lose 3 Prestige. However, if your capital is taken by another player, or you lose it due to rebellion, you can assign a new capital without using a move.
If you don't assign a new capital you lose 3 Prestige every turn.
Losing all of your regions
A player who loses all his/her regions to another player will be able to make a revolt once every two turns in the province they last owned. The GM will roll to determine the results of the attempted revolt. A player who doesn't have any regions in 4 turns will be eliminated.
Rules (Parts 2-4) continued in the comments below (due to character limitation for Posts)
Rules Part 3
Secret Agents
Secret Agents
Secret Agents are well-versed in the art of espionage. As the leader of a nation you may sometimes need to employ an Agent to do your dirty work. You unlock the use of a Secret Agent once you build or conquer your first Great City.
Once unlocked, Secret Agents can perform certain missions for your faction. See the mission types below for details.
The number of Secret Agents your faction has access to depends on how many Great Cities you own:
Secret Agent Missions
There are three types of missions a Secret Agent can perform:
Secret Agents can spy on enemy regions. If successful, you will get a bonus if you attack the region in the same turn. After performing a spy mission, the agent cannot perform any type of mission the next 2 turns.
A 6-faced virtual dice (https://rolz.org) is used to determine the outcome of the Spy mission:
To use perform a spy mission, post it along with your turn. Example:
Secret Agents can also assassinate important enemy figures, causing chaos among their ranks.
To perform an assassination, PM (private message) me which faction you would like to target. After performing an assassinate mission, the agent cannot perform any type of mission the next 5 turns.
The GM will roll a 6-faced virtual dice (https://rolz.org) to see how successful your Secret Agent was in his assasination mission:
NOTE: If a player is targeted by multiple assassination missions in a given turn (and the assassins succeed), the -1 penalties do NOT stack. Only the first assassination will cause the -1 penalties. After that, the targeted player will lose prestige in accordance with this chart:
Secret Agents can incite a rebellion in other factions. If successful, the targeted region will fall back into rebel control, and the region will be colored white.
To incite a rebellion in a region, send me a private message (PM) and tell which region you want to target. After attempting to incite a rebellion, the agent cannot perform any type of mission the next 5 turns.
A virtual 6-faced dice (https://rolz.org) is used to determine the outcome of the mission:
You cannot incite a rebellion in a faction that has 3 or fewer regions.
Final notes on Secret Agents
Rules continued (Part 4 - FINAL) continued below
Rules Part 4 - FINAL
Diplomacy (Gifts, Alliances, and Oath-breaking)
Diplomacy & Gifts
Diplomatic actions can have a positive or negative affect on your faction's Prestige. Back-stabbing, breaking alliances, and general skulduggery is allowed... but be warned that it will cause Prestige penalties.
On the other hand, entering into alliances and other "positive" diplomatic actions will increase your Prestige.
Some terms to know before we proceed:
Ceasefire: A temporary pause in military action between 2 warring factions. No military actions can be taken against a faction if you have a ceasefire with that particular faction. Secret Agents can still be used. Players must negotiate how many turns the ceasefire lasts. Players cannot declare war with a faction they have a ceasefire agreement with, or they will lose 15 Prestige. The 2 factions are automatically at war with each other when the ceasefire expires.
Peace Treaty: An agreement between 2 warring factions. This treaty immediately resets the 2 factions into a "neutral" stance towards each other.
Non-aggression pact: An agreement between 2 neutral factions. They agree to not engage in hostilities for a certain number of turns.
Alliance: Allied factions have Military Access over each other. This means that when allies share borders, one ally can “travel” through the other ally's territory and attack an enemy region on the other side.
The following list shows the bonuses (or penalties) a player gets for each Diplomatic action:
Diplomacy with Neutral Factions:
Diplomacy with Allied Factions:
Diplomacy with Hostile (at war) Factions:
Penalties of violating diplomatic norms:
Casus Belli
“Casus Belli” is an act or situation that can be used to justify war. If you get a Casus Belli on another faction, you will get a Prestige bonus if you declare war on them. You can even get a Casus Belli against an ally! If this happens, you will receive no penalty for breaking the alliance, and in fact you will gain certain bonuses if you decide to declare war on them.
There are 2 ways to get a Casus Belli:
If either of those 2 events occur you will gain a Casus Belli against the opposing faction, and if you declare war on them in the next 2 turns, you will:
Note: You cannot gain a Casus Belli on a faction that you are already at war with.
To negotiate Alliances, Non-aggression pacts, Peace treaties, etc, you may communicate privately or publicy with the owner of another faction to establish an agreement.
But to make the agreement official you must publicly announce it on the main game thread.
Join the Game
Ready to join? Post a comment here saying which faction you want to play, and I'll add you to the player list. Choose a faction from the list below:
Please note, if you're using Jerboa or another mobile app you may not be able to see the tables formatted correctly. Please open this post in a regular web brower (firefox, chrome) to read the table below
I'll be starting this game on June 28th or 29th.
New players may still join after the game has started.