this post was submitted on 05 Oct 2023
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[–] [email protected] 51 points 8 months ago (20 children)

And I have the same reaction I have to most of these types of things - I wonder what it tastes like, and wish I could try it.

I've never understood why these things trigger such uproar. It's not like it's poison or some sort of bodily secretion or something - it's just a somewhat unusual but entirely edible ingredient. And it could be good. So what's the problem?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I agree. For example, I love cranberry sauce. I make it homemade and put it on everything during Thanksgiving. That includes Mac and cheese. And it's really good! I wouldn't be surprised if raisins could supply a similar sweetness.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

I wanted to say “in Austria, they put „Preiselbeerkompott“ on Cordon Bleu and (ChatGPT said it’s called like that:) game like boar and pheasant“

But the European Preiselbeere is just the smaller cousin of the Cranberry, they taste the same.

I figured it’ll help anyone speaking German who reads this, so I typed it out after I got my answers.

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