this post was submitted on 28 Sep 2023
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ChatGPT cannot imagine freedom or alternatives; it can only present you with plagiarized mash-ups of the data it’s been trained on. So, if generative AI tools begin to form the foundation of creative works and even more of the other writing and visualizing we do, it will further narrow the possibilities on offer to us. Just as previous waves of digital tech were used to deskill workers and defang smaller competitors, the adoption of even more AI tools has the side effect of further disempowering workers and giving management even further control over our cultural stories.

As Le Guin continued her speech, she touched on this very point. “The profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art,” she explained. “We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable — but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words.” That’s exactly why billionaires in the tech industry and beyond are so interested in further curtailing how our words can be used to help fuel that resistance, which would inevitably place them in the line of fire.


The stories and artworks that resonate with us are inspired by the life experiences of artists who made them. A computer can never capture a similar essence. Le Guin asserted that to face the challenging times ahead, we’ll need “writers who can remember freedom — poets, visionaries — realists of a larger reality.” Generative AI seems part of a wider plan by the most powerful people in the world to head that off, and to trap us in a world hurtling toward oblivion as long as they can hold onto their influence for a little longer.

As Le Guin said, creating art and producing commodities are two distinct acts. For companies, generative AI is a great way to produce even more cheap commodities to keep the cycle of capitalism going. It’s great for them, but horrible for us. It’s our responsibility to challenge the technology and the business model behind it, and to ensure we can still imagine a better tomorrow.

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[–] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago (22 children)

I am tired of correcting the same misconceptions and I love Le Guin too much to give her crap about it. I'll just make general remarks.

The reason we all (AI researchers and engineers) are excited about LLMs is not that they can mash up and merge existing piece of work. It is because they can recognize very high level abstraction patterns, understand these, merge them with others and create coherent outputs based on these new patterns.

Even if fed only sexist and capitalist literature, it is capable of imagining things that go beyond that. It can extrapolate the notion of freedom expressed by a rich male narrator into freedom for poor women. I would argue that this is very similar to the way human authors explore new horizons: adapt known patterns to new objects. New patterns are learned from our dataset. Right now for LLMs it is only text, but 2024 is looking like it will be the year of the AI-enhanced humanoid robot. Get ready for a ton of subjective experience datasets.

Yes, we can use it to produce unimaginative works mimicking those produced by the entertainment "industry". Fun fact: these models will soon run on your local machines (for images they already do) and these industries will be destroyed by the post-scarcity the generative model actually cause.

The great surprise of the AI revolution is that it is barely capitalistic, despite what the dystopians say. Companies communicate a lot about their private models, but in a scenario that no SciFi author would have dreamed, it turns out that research in the field is pretty open and that open source models are on the tail of private ones.

Software is probably the domain that is the most advanced in terms of post-capitalism: open source provides non capitalistic post-scarcity, and AI spawns from this domain.

People should not be blind to this fundamental aspect of the field.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Nice and informed comment. Completely agree, specially with the part about software being the domain most advanced in terms of post capitalistic post scarcity.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago


Yes, I am surprised it is not discussed more in the anti-capitalist discussions. Software, with its null marginal cost, is a laboratory of post-scarcity. The fediverse is kind of the next frontier of it.

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