Credit Cards
A community for discussing any aspect of credit cards. It is important to pay them in full and on time. Please ask questions and contribute to the knowledge surrounding credit cards
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SUB = sign up bonus.
Realistically, for international business class travel, unless you're spending high-five-figures each year through a card (at minimum) you'll likely need to supplement everyday earnings with one or two large sign-up bonuses each year. I haven't dug into international business class redemptions personally as they're often quite expensive and/or require a lot of flexibility and positioning (at least from my home airport, MSP) and so hopefully either someone else can provide more insight on that aspect as to which cards have the best transfer partners on that front.
That said, I don't think you can go wrong by starting with a CSP + CFF setup, probably adding in the Unlimited for the 1.5x base earnings on unbonused spend. Cap1's transfer partners are a bit more lucrative, but from my reading they also are more difficult to book/use (e.g. Turkish has cheap rates but for partner rewards may require calling in or emailing a bunch of ticketing offices - I've never done this but I've read about it on Flyertalk.) Chase has many decent ones, and most are relatively easy to use.
Thank you!
Could you mention the relevant feeds on Flyertalk that I should take note of? I'm new to the game, so to speak, only really found out about Flyertalk from the pastebin from the mods at r/Creditcards.