this post was submitted on 02 Sep 2023
58 points (96.8% liked)

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Lemmy World Rules

founded 1 year ago

Summary: Enjoiner Rue confides in Dusk about her distrust of Demerzel. Hober Mallow pulls a daring move. Day sets course for Terminus and the Foundation.

This thread can contain TV spoilers up to season 2 episode 8.

Air Date: September 1, 2023

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[–] N00dle 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I wonder that till the end of episode. Him meeting OG Cleon makes me think he might not survive to try. I've been wondering about how all the past Cleon's nears the end had a similar amount of memories wiped. Dawn and Dusk just used the previous clones base line to compare their own and see if they were similar and not being too altered by Day. It's like they tend to follow a preset life cycle and hit stages in their life where memories need to be erased. I wonder if Dusk naturally becomes curious about the memory erasure in this part of his life.

Can't wait till the next episode with Demerzel and hopefully get some answers.

[–] Izzy 1 points 9 months ago

I'm hoping for some crazy robot (android) conspiracy where Demerzel has been creating a robot army for hundreds of years and is waiting to destroy all humans. 🤖