So it's been a while now since the leaderboard's challenge is Match Madness every day except on Saturday, when it's the Ramp Up.
I don't know if it's just me but that's getting me pretty disengaged. I quickly hit my limit on the Match Madness, then it has no interest to me.
Previously, I would use these challenges on a daily basis, as a way to review past lessons. Damned, I would use them over and over to score high in the leaderboard too.
Now I've completely lost interest in the leaderboard, but worse: I'm wondering if I'm moving back by lack of practice on past lessons vocabulary and grammar.
I don't feel like going through some past lessons and pick some randomly. How do you make sure you do pick randomly?
Am I the only one who thinks that "all Match Madness" thing is a regression?
I'm not super into it. It's OK but not fun for me.