Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Idk much about the Danganronpa but isn't that the series about kids murdering eachother for the amusement of some sick fucks and whatever that demon bear is? And Death Note is one of my least favourite famous series precisely because how psycho and/or disturbing everyone is, with L being far on both scales.
Demon bear lmao. It's a horror comedy, what do you expect? I didn't watch Death Note for a long long time but I loved L so much at the time, he was one of my favorite anime characters in general. Both animes are full of likable characters, especially Danganronpa, so idk why you don't like them. I kinda get that Death Note characters are not for everyone, for example I hated Misa with every cell of my body but no one else was hatable that much. What about DR?
I actively avoid DR, death games like this, especially involving minors are one of my most hated tropes ever and no amount of comedy is able to break this disgust.
I mean i understand someone might like it, after all my favourite manga is Berserk of all things (and i also bing read xianxia manhuas) but that someone is and never will be me.
Why tho? It's so much interesting, plus comedy, I laughed my ass off at the jokes first time I watched it. Don't take it seriously, like how could you take it seriously when the moments like butter, Ball Monokuma and bear robot army destroying the city exist, not to mention Nagito, Ibuki etc.
And yea, I heard that Death Note is not for everyone.
This trope usually involve some sick fucks setting up the murder games and putting some kids inside. I guess this is just a line i won't cross even in fiction.
They are also kids and there is also a reverse plot about kids oofing all of the adults in the city.