Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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I've heard of Goku and Naruto, but I know next to nothing about their character
Longer version:
Naruto: badass ninja, you might have heard of his jutsus such as rasengan, six-paths and of course 9 tails
Goku: one of the most overpowered characters in existence
Luffy: fights against fascist government, badass aroace anarchist
Junko: made Monokuma and responsible for almost every single thing that happens in Danganronpa
L: badass and mysterious ace detective hunting for Light Yegami
Short version: all of them literally me fr fr
Doesn't tell me much bc I've never watched Dangonropa
Every killing game, Tragedy, despair etc
"Naruto: badass ninja"
u fkn wot m8? naruto is literally "how to make your character into a contradictory gary stu"...fkn sasuke is relatively better
your description of junko is not newfriend friendly...
Junko: hot but psychopathic idol who wanted to make a global version of squid game using a cute robotic bear and subliminal videos
I always loved Sasuke a lot more and he was one of my favorite characters, but Naruto is also cool.
Junko: literally me fr fr
And DR was way before squid game was even planned, so they copied DR.