this post was submitted on 29 Aug 2023
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This is so specific I have to wonder why you are even here asking for advice. NewEgg has exactly 5 in-stock laptops meeting these criteria.
my only issue is which brand is RELIABLE. I don't want to spend a 1000$ and spend it again next year.
Down in this price range it’s all cheap plastic and lowest-bidder components. Doesn’t matter which brand you buy, it comes down to how well you take care of it and a bit of luck.
Actual well-built and well-designed machines are close to double your budget.
I would highly recommend watching the YouTube channel Jarrod's Tech. His channel focuses almost exclusively on laptops. And gaming ones at that. He'll review $3000+ beasts, but will also review sub-$800 laptops and everything in between. And he looks at quite a bit of things on them.
If you want to learn more about laptops and which ones are good, his videos are absolutely worth the time.